How to : access hardware encryption devices 如何:访问硬件加密设备
Only i have installed an encryption device at both ends of the line 可惜我早已经在线上设置了密码装置了
Describes how to use hardware encryption devices with the . net framework 描述如何在. net framework中使用硬件加密设备。
Hong - jie tools to encrypt a folder permanent free , very good , professional documents and folders encryption device 宏杰工具之文件夹加密一款永久免费、非常优秀的、专业的文件和文件夹加密器。
With this type of solution , a single encryption device at each site can support any number of virtual circuits across a wan 利用这个解决方案,每一场点上的一台加密装置能支持广域网上任何数量的虚拟线路。
Since each site communicates with so many other sites , it is not practical to install a dedicated encryption device at both ends of every circuit 由于每一装机场点要与如此多的其它装机场点进行通信,在每一线路的两端都装一专有加密装置是不现实的。
The finished driver for the pci data encryption device card have characters of modularization , high efficiency , high speed . easy maintenance . now , we have made it to commodity 本文所实现的驱动程序代码具有模块化,执行效率高,速度快,易维护,易移植的特点,并且已经产品化。
Ingenieurbuero datenkommunikation schau deals among other things in data communication systems , tele - processing devices as well as in processing devices , protocol converters and also in multimedia encryption devices 在以下范围内我们提供产品和服务:远程数据加工、数据通信系统和系统工程师以及通信系统或系统工程、总体工程。
Because packet encryption devices do not require a one - to - one relationship with the links or circuits they encrypt , network managers can more readily implement redundant devices to avoid a single point of failure 由于包加密装置不需要与它们加密的链路或线路有一对一的关系,所以网络管理员可以更容易地设置冗余装置,以避免单一点的失效。
Functioning at the network layer of the open systems interconnection model , the packet - encryption device at the originating site encrypts the entire packet , including the ip header , and provides it with a new header 由于是在“开放系统互连”模型的网络层上起作用的,始发站上的包加密装置对整个包加密,包括ip报头,都提供一个拥有新报头的包。